
If you want to stay updated with what I write here, you should totally use the RSS feed that is linked in the header, because RSS is amazing! If you’d rather get an email summary every once in a while you can subscribe to the newsletter. It’s handcrafted and will always contain a few things you won’t find anywhere else!

After subscribing you should get one email from with a link to confirm – you won’t get any newsletters without confirming. ❗️

Privacy: I’m using a services called to send my newsletter. Check out their privacy details on the website, but long story short: It’s not financed by selling data to advertisers or anyone else, it’s a single person building something they believe in, and they even publish the financial details transparently. Your email address is only used for sending out the newsletter, nothing else. You can always unsubscribe by using the link in each newsletter or contacting me directly. I’ll take care of it as quickly as possible.